Masimo LiDCO

LiDCO® Module - image

Masimo LiDCO®

Masimo LiDCO provides the PulseCO® algorithm for beat-to-beat advanced hemodynamic monitoring to support informed decision-making in high-acuity care areas such as the Operating Room.

  • Uses existing arterial line and blood pressure transducer to monitor hemodynamic parameters
  • The LiDCO algorithm converts beat-to-beat blood pressure into its constituent parts, flow and resistance, scaled to each patient’s age, height, and weight.
  • Reliable on patients on vasoactive drugs1


Parameters and Indicators

Parameters and Indicators


The beat–to–beat parameters offers immediate feedback about a patient’s fluid and hemodynamic status.

The PulseCO algorithm in Masimo LiDCO calculates a variety of parameters including:

  • Stroke Volume (SV): The amount of blood pumped by the left ventricle of the heart in one contraction
  • Cardiac Output (CO): The amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in a minute, calculated by multiplying the stroke volume by the patient’s heart rate
  • Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR): The resistance to flow, calculated as the quotient of pressure and cardiac output
  • Oxygen Delivery (DO2): The amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues, calculated as the product of cardiac output and oxygen concentration
  • Stroke Volume Variation (SVV): The variation in stroke volume across at least one respiratory cycle; a dynamic variable that can predict fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients
  • Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV): The variation in arterial pulse pressure across at least one respiratory cycle; like SVV, a dynamic variable that can predict fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients

Clinical Evidence

Clinical Evidence


Reductions in Postoperative Complications and Costs

  • In a randomized, controlled trial of 743 patients undergoing major abdominal surgery, researchers found hemodynamic optimization with LiDCO led to a 15.7% reduction in postoperative complication rates2 and, as a result, patients monitored with LiDCO were on average $530 less expensive to treat than control patients who were not monitored.3


30-Day Mortality Rate

Reductions in 30-Day and 180-Day Mortality

  • In a study comparing the outcomes of 600 emergency laparotomy patients, researchers found that, following the implementation of a program including LiDCO technology, there was a significant decrease in mortality at 30 days (from 21.8% to 15.5%) and 180 days (from 29.5% to 22.2%).4


30-Day Mortality Rate

180-Day Mortality Rate

Easy Setup and Operation

Easy Setup and Operation


Masimo LiDCO is designed for efficient setup and simple operation, with an intuitive, easy-to-interpret display:

  • Plug-and-play operation using the invasive blood pressure output port on the third-party patient monitor
  • Monitor using the existing blood pressure transducer, eliminating the need for an additional disposable
OPTION 1: Analog Cable Setup

Key Features of LiDCO on Masimo Root® Display Monitor

Key Features of LiDCO on Masimo Root® Display Monitor

Key Features of LiDCO on Root Display Monitor

Automating Clinical Protocols

Automating Clinical Protocols


Step-by-Step Guided Protocols

Guided Protocol Menu

Masimo LiDCO automates established clinical protocols, such as a Fluid Challenge Guided Protocol, a Passive Leg Raise Guided Protocol and an End- Expiratory Occlusion Test Guided Protocol.

Example: Guided Protocol Menu

Fluid Challenge Guided Protocol - 1

Before the protocol begins, the initializing screen indicates that Masimo LiDCO is getting ready to provide data.

Fluid Challenge Guided Protocol - 2

While the guided protocol is in progress, current and baseline data are displayed, along with a timer to measure progression of the protocol.

Fluid Challenge Guided Protocol - 3

Upon the completion of the protocol, Masimo LiDCO calculates the change from baseline to completion, and provides a result. The Result screen displays the Starling Curve along with the results message.


  1. 1.

    Hadian, M et al. Critical Care. 2010 Dec;14(6):1-0.

  2. 2.

    Pearse R et al. JAMA 2014; 311(21):2181-90.

  3. 3.

    Sadique et al. Perioperative Medicine (2015) 4:13

  4. 4.

    Tengberg LT et al. Br J Surg 2017; 104:463-471.


Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. See instructions for use for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions.
